Many a time you feel ignored or
avoided by the person you know and admire. Who actually avoid or ignore you?
Unfortunately, they are your friends, good or the best.
Sometimes I feel, instead of being someone’s
good or the best friend, I should become a stranger daily; at least I would get
a reply. Sometimes I think once you feel avoided by someone, never disturb them
again. When I set this status on my whatsapp, my many friends started asking, who avoided you? I even got a message from the person, who hardly communicates with me ever. One of my friends told me, it's not necessary to reply, it's not necessary to talk everyday. I feel you're the guy I can never forget, she meant to tell me I was her besty when we had free time.
Yeah I also believe it is not necessary. I did not mean to create a controversy by putting a status on my whatsapp. It is the most stupid thing I would do. I had just felt that way, let's see by not disturbing them again. Maturity is when you don't put a status anywhere on social media if you feel that way. Let's just directly tell them that you ignored me.
There is no one in this world who
has so much of leisure time or who has no time at all. It’s all about setting
priorities who you want to pay your attention or give a simple reply at least on the
virtual platform. Friends are worried about their jobs, money, busy in
settling life, peer pressure, family, marriage and other scrupulous events. But
can’t we expect a reply? A busy person will never say that I’m busy though.
When it comes to real life, we
hardly meet our friends nowadays; parting long distance is the reason. Whoever
lives nearby, either they don’t want to meet or they have other more important
work to do.
We spend more time in the virtual
world and we are connected through whatsapp, faccebook, twitter or any other
means. We look at their pictures, their status and we conclude that person was
online and didn’t reply.
I learned from one of my friends about ‘mood’.
She said it’s all about mood whether she wants to reply or not. Sometimes she
shuts herself down for days, it’s nothing personal. I believe it is one hundred
percent true. Sometimes I also don’t feel like reading someone’s message or
typing a reply message or receive a phone call. I feel I do wrong. And yes one
must respect someone’s mood and feeling. Relationship and friendship are all about
mutual respect.
But if we leave a simple message saying
I will reply you as soon as I get some time or at least a smiley suiting to the
situation. Will not it feel better to both sender and receiver? Communication
process gets completed when you get a feedback from the receiver end. A proper
communication makes the relationship and no communication breaks the
My views are personal.